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Why do the laws allow so many native koala trees to be harvested?

Why weren't the community stakeholders consulted?

Has the Sunshine Coast Council identified Ferny Forest as core habitat?

See mapping on page 21

Are there koalas in or close to this forest?

Koala Tracker records of dead (red bubbles), injured (yellow bubbles) and healthy (green bubbles) koalas from five years ago.
These records were the totals from a 12 month period.

Will this forest have difficulty recovering from logging in 2022 due to climate change and myrtle rust?

Why were the South East Queensland Hardwood plantations declared a failure?

Why weren't local indigenous people consulted?:

What species have been found in this forest and why won't more recent fauna and flora surveys be carried out?

© Created by Stella Wiggins on Kabi Kabi land 2022

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