Save the Steve Irwin Way Forest

The Current Road Design
The current proposal will destroy 24 hectares and damage at least an additional 50 hectares due to edge effect, fragmentation and isolation.
This iconic remnant forest contains koalas, ancient trees and already critically endangered species and habitat.
This forest is a bioregional corridor in our area and as a result of careless planning it will be destroyed.
If this project proceeds we will destroy forever an iconic Sunshine Coast natural treasure and put these ecosystems and species on a downward spiral to extinction.
Development specifics via preferred plan 2015
Please help stop this by signing and sharing the petition.
The Department of Main Roads have the expertise, technology and tools to design the Bruce Highway upgrade and the Caloundra Interchange so this forest is avoided and is connected to the Mooloolah River National Park (north west of the forest).
Preliminary designs for the interchange did not take in to account the high conservation value of the forest. Now that these values have been identified, we know that a new design that avoids the forest is essential.
The possum bridge that currently crosses Steve Irwin Way only allows the movement of one individual possum.
Wildilife corridors and wildlife movement structures connecting the Mooloolah River to the Beerwah State Forest are essential.
Fencing and barriers are also essential for the safety of humans and wildlife.
Wildlife movement structures

The following design ideas are not endorsed by the Save Steve Irwin Way Forest group.
These ideas are included on our website to show that with limited resources members of the community have been able to come up with designs that avoid most of the forest.
Charlie's Alternative Sustainable Road Design:

Wayne's design:

Charlie’s Design:
Will not cause severe indirect and reverse flows for traffic exiting the highway north bound for Glenview, Palmview & the Aussie World Tourist precinct.
Will not cause exit traffic to be channelled through a roundabout 0.9 km west of the highway on Steve Irwin Way.
Will not excise a significant area from the northern end of the Beerwah State Forest.
Will not have a severe negative impact on the tourist precinct at Palmview, including Aussie World, the Ettamogah Pub and associated businesses to the west and Strawberry Fields to the east of the highway.
Will not cause residents of Palmview and Glenview to be severely impacted by the proposed design- the proposed Palmview Development is planned for a population of 14,000.
Diverging Diamond Interchange:

Dave Ritson's design: