Save the Steve Irwin Way Forest

State Government dedicates Beerwah State Forest –Meridan Hills Section (BSF-MHS) to become a National Park after the existing leases expire.
Forest to be saved and protected in the future
Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) designs a massive interchange at Bruce Hwy and Steve Irwin Way and Caloundra Rd.
35ha to be cleared with 100ha under threat of damage
March 2013
Local wildlife experts alert the community – BSF-MHS contains over 27 huge old growth habitat trees, over 35,000 mature koala trees and critically endangered lowland rainforest.
Members of the community form the Save Steve Irwin Way Forest (SSIWF) group and create petitions, banners, flyers, postcards, videos and hold public meetings.
April 2013
DTMR advise that they will reduce the area to be cleared from 35 to 24 hectares.
24ha to be cleared
May 2013
Over 150 people attend a public meeting at Jowarra National Park (JNP) to save the forest.
March 2014
State government advises that an off-road motorcycling facility (OMF) is planned for the rest of the forest.
24ha to be cleared and 500ha under threat of damage
Aug 2014
Local politicians speak out against the OMF and the massive interchange design.
Public gathering is held at Glenview Gardens.Sunshine Coast Environment Council (SCEC) and SSIWF group continue petitions and meet with local politicians explaining huge threat to this forest by this OMF.
Oct 2014
State government announces the OMF will not go ahead.
24ha to be cleared
January 2015
Hundreds attend Forest Appreciation Day at Daisy’s Place. Politicians from all parties agree and speak out against the road design.
March 2015
Aboriginal elders survey the area and identify sacred trees.
April 2015
DTMR submits referral to the federal Department of the Environment (DOE) re the Environment Protection Biodiversity and Conservation (EPBC) act.
May 2015
SSIWF, SCEC and other groups send in submissions to DOE explaining the inadequate EPBC referral and the referral is deemed as being a controlled action by the DOE.
June 2015
Regular community meetings with Department Transport Main Roads (DTMR) officially commence.
DTMR requests 24 ha of SIWF be revoked for road footprint.
September 2015
Public forest Rally is held at Jowarra National Park.
Members of community groups attend meeting with State Minister for Main Roads and Transport.
Nov 2015
Hundreds attend Forest Not Freeways gig at Crystal Waters.
December 2015
DTMR announces that the road will be kept east of Mooloolah Cemetery.
6 to 12ha now to be cleared for interchange using the diverging diamond road design
DTMR started construction of the diverging diamond interchange
Nov 2016
Minister Steven Miles announced the transition of the forest to National Park (Mooloolah River National Park - Meridan Hills Section)
744 ha protected!!