Save the Steve Irwin Way Forest

Why does this matter?
If you care about this forest then you should email your local MP and the media with a personal message and attach this submission template which explains the problems associated with the current motocross facility location.
Make yourself heard!
Hon. Mark McArdle
Member for Caloundra
07 5491 2780
Hon. Steve Dickson
Minister for National Parks, Recreation,
Sport and Racing
07 5479 2800
Glasshouse Country News - editorial@gcnews.com.au
The Range News - editor@rangenews.com.au
Sunshine Coast Daily - http://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/contact/feedback/
2014 UPDATE:
A large Caloundra interchange is planned as part of the Bruce Hwy upgrade unfortunately the current design places it right in the native forest. In addition the State government plans to construct the intensive motorsports complex in an additional 534ha of this native forest.This forest contains (including Koalas, Coxen's Fig Parrots and huge trees which are hundreds of years old), and was planned to be upgraded to National Park status by the previous government.
The construction of a motorsports complex is a great idea, it's just in the wrong location. Rather than damaging hundreds of hectares of wetlands and native forest, why not use land from recently felled pine forestry? If a pending National park can be made into a Motorcross park with the stroke of a pen then likewise a plantation forest lease can be revoked in the same way!
Keep up to date with the threats to this forest and its wildlife and find out what action can be taken to protect it.
Continue to sign the petition against the location of the Caloundra Interchange.
Send a submission to the State government see above.
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